About us

Welcome To Lotey Associates

LOTEY ASSOCIATES AND LOTEY IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATES- the two organizations established to serve the community with multiple services in relation to Immigration, Insurance and other related services.

It is the new innovative idea to facilitate the Immigration related services under one roof. The whole motive encircles around the fact that the new age has introduced man to many innovations and eased many difficulties. We all have an innate capacity to be aware of the present moment.

If you feel like you have enough to do, don’t worry, being present only ever requires a shift in attention and if you are already here, why not actually be here?

All services under one roof at one stop.

About us



INSURANCE Permanent Life insurance (money back)RESP and RRSPSUPER Visa InsuranceVisitor Visa Insura...

Legal Advisories Appeals

LEGAL ADVISORIES – APPEALSSponsorship AppealsResidency ObligationsAdmissibility HearingsHumanitari...


LABOUR MARKET IMPACT ASSESSMENT (LMIA).This is the service provided by Service Canada department whi...

Regulatory services

REGULATORY SERVICES The following are the services which are the added assets of our associates...


All We Adore- Client’s Interest

Results Driven; Client Focused

99.99 % Success Rate With Positive Outcomes

Expertise in Transforming Refusal to Approval

Crystalline Communication With no if's and but's

Steer and Guide in Right Direction

No Over Promises

No Hidden Fees

Resourceful and Truthful Information Provided- Take it or Leave it

No False Information Provided

Present Cases in Timely Manner

Follow Clients with Regular Basis

Keep Clients Updated with the Correspondence from Immigration- IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)

No Advance Payments Held

Referrals Given, no Complaints

Knows Depth and Breadth of Canadian Immigration Law

Zero Margin of Error on Applications

Highly Competent Staff – Works Cautiously

We Step Up Collectively for Your Growth